Saturday, March 10, 2012

Some queers make a myth

There's three characters in here somewhere...
Caro and I are doing NaNoRenO! Yaaaay. We don't have a thread on LSF or anything cool like that yet because we still don't have names for our game or our characters and we don't know the "important" things like how long it'll be or whether it'll branch or things like that (unless Caro knows those things but I don't~).

Annnnd we're still mostly in the "sketching" (graphically and verbally) stages. Ahaha.ha.ha. WHATEVER. We're taking the "in one month" thing seriously. >D All we did before March was discuss plot. Which IS mostly existent, by the way!

So there's three characters, one who is a deity and two who are humans. This is all going down Way Back When... you know, when gods actually popped up and said hello. So long ago in fact that there wasn't even gender as we know it today. And the gods decided they want to invite a few lucky humans up into their realm to serve as something like ambassadors (and lovers). The adorable one with the ringlets there? That's the lucky one who got chosen by our friendly neighborhood ram-horned deity. Only, they aren't exactly happy  to take up the offer... These were days long ago, early in the formation of human society, and their actions could change the shape of the earth's culture for ages to come.

Caro's doing the writing, I'm doing the drawing, and we're both pulling together a story about religion and gender and deception and identity and, hey, maybe even love.

Oh hey, colors.

Hopefully we can get this made in time for April 1! By the way, we'll probably stick a WIP thread up on LSF once we actually have names and stuff.