Saturday, December 17, 2011

48 ounces, 1500 words

My last post mentioned that I was sitting myself down in a cafe with free coffee and writing until two scenes were done. Six hours, four cups of coffee, and many IMs with Camille later, I finished one scene and wrote about half of the other for a grand total coming in around 1500 words written that night.

I intended to bounce over here all excited to announce that I had finished both scenes, whenever it happened... however, in the second of those scenes, there's a few lines remaining that I just plain cannot get written. Ugh. I'm basically trying to translate an old poem in Jason's point of view into script in Zack's point of view, which is really ineffective, so I'm probably going to try a different approach later. For now I think I'll just ignore it and move on to work on the last scene (!!), but alas, I can't call that scene done. Tragic.

However, another challenge has been issued! Caro and I are both very near to finishing a script, and have anticipated being done this weekend. So whichever of the two of us finishes first gets a drawing from the other. :D And because I'm a lazy bum when it comes to drawing and because I have a feeling that Caro doesn't draw as often as ey should, I'mma make my damn best effort to finish this thing. >w< Also I don't wanna study yet. D: And besides, once I get RESET out of the way then my head can be clear to study... at least that's my justification. Now then, what does the scanner say about my progress?
The game contains 1,182 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 16,589 words,
for an average of 14.0 words per screen.
The game contains 8 menus.
Oh wow. This thing is getting quite unexpectedly long. Also I ended up taking out that one choice I put in when I was all "why so many choicessss".

Anyway, working on the last scene, fuck yeah!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Light at the end of the tunnel

The end of the semester is in sight and dear lord I could not be happier (seriously, this has been my worst semester ever). I'm setting myself a goal to completley finish the script of RESET and all of the backgrounds by the end of my winter break (mid-January). The first half I'm pretty sure I can do; the second half not so certain, but I'll try.

Since it's finals week, campus dining locations are serving free coffee during the small hours of the night. And since I just took one of the worst exams of my life and don't have another final until Tuesday, I intend to abuse this tonight and instead of sitting there studying I will sit there and work on RESET until the two partly-written scenes are done.

There's one other thing that will be taking up a large chunk of my time over break: proofreading Break Chance Memento! I'm pretty excited. But it's going to take me forever, fact. Haha I'll be so proud of myself just for reading that many words at once. :P

In other VN-related news, I played The Thirteenth Year recently. It's positively brilliant and I recommend it very, very highly.

Friday, December 9, 2011

No more choices! D;

Ugh I need to stop adding choices to this game. There's 9 now, I think, and the game is only meant to be ~15k words long. Given, it mostly recombines after every choice and there's still only 4 endings. But this is still definitely more choices than I meant it to have--I think just about every scene has a choice now.

Recently I churned out a whole bunch of words of Zack and Joseph just chatting and BSing. Decent parts of it are probably being cut, and I enjoyed some of them, so allow me to share with you a few choice lines. If I decide for sure that a certain long segment is getting cut I'll probably post it up here.

Joseph: I swear to God!
Zack: An atheist swearing to God? I call bullshit.
Joseph: Drats, you caught me. Just don't tell your grandmother I took the Lord's name in vain.
Zack: I won't tell her you're a god-scorning heathen if you let me tell her I'm gay.
Joseph: If I'm not allowed to be out to her, neither are you.

Joseph: In this household, liking boys is no excuse for sass.

Trolldad FTW. And what's this about Joseph not being out? Ooh, the mystery~~

On the general front of progress, haven't accomplished a whole ton this past week aside from that one spree of ~1000 words. Working on the scene of Zack and Joseph chillaxing and making ravioli; it's probably half done ish. Need to start a scene of Zack hanging out with some of Jason's friends, and need to write most of a scene of Jason talking about his ~feelings~ (and moral philosophy). And that's all!

I also made a Wordle of RESET's text so far; click to see the full-size thing. Sneak peek at a few relevant words? Damn they talk about knowing a lot.

Wordle: RESET

Monday, December 5, 2011

Wild DEVBLOG appears!

I decided that if I'm gonna try being one of those Real VN Developers who actually finish things maybe I should have a devblog like all the cool kids do, so I can spam the hell out of any unwitting souls who dare look at it with  my half-finished art and "lolguise I wrote 100 words today!!1" and have a less annoying place than my LSF thread to vent my excitement at marginal accomplishments.

I'm Kura on the Lemmasoft Forums, by the by. Also I have a website with a few small VN resources here.

This blog shall for now be concerned with RESET, a visual novel about existentialism and relationships and video games. It has a web page here and a WIP thread here.

Now I'm just going to follow Carosene's example and give yinz an xkcd to amuse yourselves with until legitimate content exists.