Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New VN (not RESET?!) coming very soon!

So over the past month I've been making rather snail-paced progress on RESET. For the record, I lost my little contest with Caro and still owe em a drawing. I DID manage to finish that one scene that I couldn't quite finish before, and wrote about half of the last scene, and now that one has become the pain-in-the-ass scene that refuses to be finished. I also drew another background.

But that's not what I'm really here to announce. I'm really here to announce Chasing the Sun, which is a peculiar little thing I started on a whim three months ago.

Chasing the Sun is a short, slightly experimental KN narrated by Jason of RESET. No sprites or characters per se, it's just photographs and music and Jason's meandering thoughts, including lots of quotes because that's how he rolls.

It's basically done. Just doing some final testing and cleanup.

I'm ridiculously excited. My first VN release! I've been playing around in Ren'py and lurking around LSF for a solid four years now, started RESET 2-3 years ago, watched plenty of other folks start and finish, and now FINALLY I've finished my first game! Crazy, man, crazy.

The progress really snuck up on me. One day in October I took all the photos on my walk home from campus, and the idea struck me and I wrote down just a few lines of script, and occasionally went back to it and added another disconnected bit, and eventually I decided it would make for a good exposition of Jason's mental state before RESET so I added some stuff like that. Then the other day I decided to actually format all the pictures and stick them into the game and do some rearranging of text, and... suddenly I had a game and all I needed was music.

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