Monday, December 5, 2011

Wild DEVBLOG appears!

I decided that if I'm gonna try being one of those Real VN Developers who actually finish things maybe I should have a devblog like all the cool kids do, so I can spam the hell out of any unwitting souls who dare look at it with  my half-finished art and "lolguise I wrote 100 words today!!1" and have a less annoying place than my LSF thread to vent my excitement at marginal accomplishments.

I'm Kura on the Lemmasoft Forums, by the by. Also I have a website with a few small VN resources here.

This blog shall for now be concerned with RESET, a visual novel about existentialism and relationships and video games. It has a web page here and a WIP thread here.

Now I'm just going to follow Carosene's example and give yinz an xkcd to amuse yourselves with until legitimate content exists.


  1. Ohoho look what I've found! I've added this to my Google reader, so I expect lots of updates. :D

  2. Venusaur uses solar beam!

    OMG I LOVE THAT COMIC! It's so true too! I actually spontaneously shout "Kitty!" even when one appears on TV... o.o (flees)

    Looking forward to your posts!! X3 Spam us! Do it!
