Friday, December 9, 2011

No more choices! D;

Ugh I need to stop adding choices to this game. There's 9 now, I think, and the game is only meant to be ~15k words long. Given, it mostly recombines after every choice and there's still only 4 endings. But this is still definitely more choices than I meant it to have--I think just about every scene has a choice now.

Recently I churned out a whole bunch of words of Zack and Joseph just chatting and BSing. Decent parts of it are probably being cut, and I enjoyed some of them, so allow me to share with you a few choice lines. If I decide for sure that a certain long segment is getting cut I'll probably post it up here.

Joseph: I swear to God!
Zack: An atheist swearing to God? I call bullshit.
Joseph: Drats, you caught me. Just don't tell your grandmother I took the Lord's name in vain.
Zack: I won't tell her you're a god-scorning heathen if you let me tell her I'm gay.
Joseph: If I'm not allowed to be out to her, neither are you.

Joseph: In this household, liking boys is no excuse for sass.

Trolldad FTW. And what's this about Joseph not being out? Ooh, the mystery~~

On the general front of progress, haven't accomplished a whole ton this past week aside from that one spree of ~1000 words. Working on the scene of Zack and Joseph chillaxing and making ravioli; it's probably half done ish. Need to start a scene of Zack hanging out with some of Jason's friends, and need to write most of a scene of Jason talking about his ~feelings~ (and moral philosophy). And that's all!

I also made a Wordle of RESET's text so far; click to see the full-size thing. Sneak peek at a few relevant words? Damn they talk about knowing a lot.

Wordle: RESET

1 comment:

  1. Trolldad FTW is indeed FTW! XD I love that dialogue.

    Awesome Wordle is awesome. I note the ravioli. XD Glad to hear your characters are getting fed. XD

